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“If you’re thinking of giving personal training a try, or another try, I so highly recommend getting on board with Georgie, you really will be so glad you did! Having spent years and years training on my own (& using PTs on and off), I thought I had a pretty good idea what I was doing. Looking back, I realise now that my approach was very ‘scattergun’ & that I wasn’t making the best use of my time. I came across Georgie and thought her personal training might help me reset and re-establish focus. I had also had some goals in the back of my mind for years that I wanted to try and actually achieve.

I initially signed up for a 12 week course - I’m now on my 4th 12 week course and cannot imagine not being on a programme with Georgie now. Training is an important part of my life and if I’m going to invest time and effort, it makes sense to maximise my efforts with some excellent personal training. Georgie’s knowledge is mind-blowing - I have every faith that my sessions have been well considered and meticulously planned to help me achieve my goals - every second I work, I am working towards my goals, there’s no ‘wastage’.

It’s not just the detail of the plans that are always perfectly on point, Georgie also helps me focus, advises me on form, provides me with accountability (so important and motivating) and can cut through my waffle to the crux of any issues to answer questions with so much expertise.

On a personal level, Georgie is so lovely, really easy to get on with/work with - I so badly didn’t want an over-exuberant shouty kind of PT! Georgie is full of energy but also calm, friendly and really professional. Having spent over 20 years going to the gym regularly, I am happy to say that I am now in the best shape of my life - but it’s not just aesthetics, far from it, I also feel the healthiest, happiest and most confident I have felt in years. I am 46 & confident that I am entering a potentially challenging time of my life in the best shape I can - undoubtedly that will help so much when navigating any changes that life may have in store for me. I don’t always LOVE the exercises that Georgie sets me (although she always offers to supplement any that I can’t get on with) BUT I know that if left to my own devices I would just focus on what I enjoy and am good at and thereby neglect areas.

Without needing to think too much about it, I know that if I put the work in, I will get an excellent full-body programme with Georgie. 5 stars, highly recommend!”

— Philippa Loftus

“It is hard to write about my experience with Georgie without sounding like I am being dramatic - but I really do think she has changed my life! In the short time I have been working with Georgie she has encouraged me to reconsider my relationship with nutrition and training and I now feel strong, happy and healthy.

Having had fairly negative experiences with personal training in the past I didn’t know what to expect when I signed up with Georgie. However, from the very first time we spoke, I knew she was going to be attentive, kind and encouraging. Georgie listened to my goals and experiences, as well as my concerns and created a program that surpassed anything I could have expected. Georgie has been flexible and managed to make a plan that suits my current needs and has adapted it as we work out what does and doesn’t work for me.

We have celebrated the victories together and she has made me feel nothing but supported and empowered throughout the process. I can’t wait to see what we can achieve together and what she has in store for me!

To anyone thinking of working with Georgie I couldn’t recommend her enough. She’s inspiring, passionate and has given me the knowledge I need to make better and more informed decisions to really take control of my lifestyle. Thank you, Georgie!”

— Chloe Norton

“I have been training with Georgie for a little while now. I was one of her first clients on her amazing ’The Collective Coaching’ program in August 2019 which was perfect for me at the time. Her training programs on the collective were always challenging, gave you enough variety to go at your own pace, really worked you hard and I really enjoyed the group element. I got amazing results with Georgie’s nutritional advice, programs and the overall team support. Unfortunately during this time I hurt my back within my job and was unable to exercise for a little while.

I was at an all-time low and every time I tried to get back into the gym I would come home in agony. For someone who has always been really active, this was a massive kick in the teeth for me. Not only that but my career relies heavily on my fitness and my health. Nonetheless, I persevered with various physical treatments and I slowly started to get my back to a point where I could manage to do some exercise and not be in as much pain. I had invested a lot of time and money in my health and there was no way I was stopping there. I truly believe everything happens for a reason, once I’d got myself to that point where I was finally ready to step back into the gym I didn’t want to do it alone and this was when I started online 1:1 coaching with Georgie.

I can honestly say it has been the best decision I have ever made and I’m not sure where I would be without her. She has not only built my strength up and educated me around nutrition but she has provided me with the confidence to take back my life and helped me know that I am more than capable of becoming strong and fit again.

She has helped highlight all those small steps I have taken and how far I have come, something I wouldn’t have even noticed if I trained on my own. The programs she has made for me I enjoy doing and they have been tailored to me and complement my continued rehabilitation. She has given me a new lease of life. I look forward to our weekly check-ins and we have seen great results so far. I am so excited to continue with her not only for the continued physical results but also for my own mentality. Thank you so much for everything you have done for me. I love working with you.”

— Jodie Hudson

“I have been wanting structure to my goal of fat loss and toning but had struggled to find this, I had thought about online coaching but was a bit lost with all of PT’s and offers that were being advertised during lockdown so that you could work out from home, I am lucky enough to have some equipment at home and wanted to utilise this but some programs were either generic Bodyweight workouts or gym workouts. I came across Georgie when doing one of her Live Workouts and began to follow her on Instagram and asked explored her website, Georgie was really helpful and assured me that any coaching would be specifically tailored to me.

During lockdown, I had begun to do numerous hit workouts but my nutrition was not great, essentially I had always had a bad habit of under eating and would train and not fuel my body, this meant that any progress I was making was being stalled. I decided to take a leap of faith and sign up to online coaching with Georgie and to be honest this for me is probably one of the best things I could have done, my training is focused, I am eating so much more that I am not restricted at all and can have a treat and essentially eat well and reach my macros, I am not just eating chicken and broccoli to reach my goals. It also helps that I am accountable to not only myself but someone else and I receive feedback on this, which furthers my motivation.

Georgie has provided me with added support in that any questions I have she is there to answer, I have also started running again and have a running plan in addition to my coaching which helps me reach my goal of running further each time.

I am my own worst critic and have been for as long as I can remember. My weight hasn’t changed drastically during my time with Georgie so far (4 weeks) but taking measurements and photos is a great way to track progress, if I solely went by weight then I could easily get disheartened. Had I not started with Georgie then I would still be in the same circle of under eating and overtraining.”

— Millie Ireson

“I started with Georgie after a few years failing to find a workout that would stick and really reaching my rock bottom. I’d put on a large amount of weight, was in a terrible cycle of trying the latest ‘most intense’ classes and getting nowhere.

I’d met Georgie about a year before at the gym and she was always so lovely and encouraging, that I thought if nothing else she would help me feel less scared of using weights or feeling embarrassed that I was bigger than most the gym-bunnies walking around. Not only did Georgie help me grow confidence walking into to the gym, she educated me so much on weight-lifting and developed a programme that helped me find a love for the gym. She pushed me but never made me feel bad if I struggled - we shared the pride in my progress. The 12 weeks I trained with Georgie were honestly definitive for me. I loved pushing myself to lift more and the weekly check ins were such a brilliant way of seeing the progress I was making, and she was brilliant at answering my many many questions.

I now gym 5 days a week at least, with a confidence to walk in, brave the “boys section” and trust my form. I have gone from being a chubby girl who couldn’t stick to anything and was too scared to use the gym because I felt too big, to looking forward to working out every morning. I have found a form of working out that I love, I am stronger and better both mentally and physically, and all the progress I make in the future I will always look back and credit Georgie for giving me the support and the confidence I needed, when I needed it the most.”

— Elizabeth Renwick

“When signing up with Georgie in January I thought I’d be getting a strength programme and some pointers for nutrition. The reality is she has coached me on so many more levels - she’s effectively helped me make really positive changes to my attitude and behaviours towards food and my knowledge and success in the free weights section. For the first time in years, I’m seeing notably positive differences in my body, strength and behaviours which I’m feeling amazing about! Looking forward to pushing forward with Georgie and exceeding my goals.”

— Sarah Frodsham

“When I started my journey with Georgie I thought I already knew a lot about nutrition and training in general. But guess what, only 5 weeks into my 1-1 Coaching and I’ve gained so much more knowledge already, especially regarding my nutrition.

I’ve never felt that fit and strong in my own body and I’m actually shocked (in a good way) how much my physique has changed already. Exercise and healthy eating has given me a lot more energy and I really enjoy doing the workouts (even if I’m a sweaty mess afterwards) The advice and feedback really helps me so much and makes me realise for the first time that it’s not all about restriction, endless cardio and then not seeing results in the longterm (that’s what I used to do).

I know this might sound a bit gushy but thank you from the bottom of my heart. I feel so much healthier and happier already not only physically but also mentally. And I’m really looking forward to smashing the next few weeks with you.”

— Tina Riegler

“Over the short period of time I’ve been with Georgie, she has made me feel nothing but supported. Georgie truly cares for her clients overall well-being both mental and physical, two aspects which she acknowledges are equally important. Her caring nature shines through in the respect she gives you when answering any questions you may have. Georgie has the warmest heart which allows you to open up to her and get the most out of her vast knowledge and experience. She is dedicated to her clients and her and her passion for empowering women is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced in the industry. She makes health and fitness exciting and attainable I’ll be eternally grateful for finding Georgie.”

— Natalie Nugent

“After trying a couple of different personal trainers, Georgie really doesn’t compare she is far superior and she is an excellent trainer After playing sport to a high level as a child I become so unwell and gained record amount of weight and was unable to train for so long. She really has given me so much confidence and made me comfortable and got me back into training. The types of exercises I can do is very limited but she has managed to find excellent exercises to help me loose weight. I know she really cares about her clients and their journey and I look forward to her sessions! I’m always messaging her for advice with everything and asking her about nutrition and diet and she gives the best feedback. I really could not recommend her enough”

— Abi Platts

“I started my online training programme with Georgie in the New Year after spending the previous year in the gym every day and not seeing much of a change with my body.
Ever since I started, I’ve noticed a significant change to my body and my lifestyle. Georgie analysed my diet and also designed a workout plan focussing on specific body areas that I could fit into my busy life. I now walk into the gym each day, knowing exactly what I’m doing and how to do it which is half the battle!
I’ve lost several inches on all my measurements since then and have never felt better. Georgie is fantastic - professional, knowledgeable and always on hand to help with any queries or concerns. If you are time poor and just need some guidance on where you can improve your routine to see body changes, Georgie and particularly her online training are perfect!”

— Lucy Langley

“Georgie has been fantastic from day one. She really listened to my requirements / wants and took those into consideration when building out a program for me ahead of my wedding. For example, I love doing classes so I get to do one class a week in addition to my training schedule. In 2 months I’ve gained so much confidence in the gym and can see a real difference in my body (plus losing 3kg is pretty awesome!). I struggled a lot with making great food choices and Georgie was so proactive in recommending the right macro split, what to order when out and about and providing feedback on what I’d been tracking in MyFitnessPal. I can’t recommend Georgie more highly!”

— Laura Buxton

“What can I say, besides I am a fully- subscribed member of the Georgie fan club. I have tried everything from personal trainers at the gym, yoga trainers at home, nutritionists, the BodyCoach and those tasteless meal delivery plans in the past - all to varying degrees of success and none with sustainability. With Georgie, I have had the flexibility to change my plan with my circumstances (and just when I think I might get bored) and ease of contact combined with loads of encouragement, suggestions and understanding. Because I could maintain my programme over a longer period of time I have gotten the best results ever this year for my annual birthday weigh-in and measurements. I haven’t seen this dress size since Uni, feel strong and couldn’t be happier with my fitness level. Plus I don’t freak out at the first sight of carbs on my plate. Thanks Georgie for all the support!”

— Dorothy B

““Georgie helped me redevelop my love for exercise and weight training. I was always a bit sceptical about online training however I absolutely loved the program Georgie put me on - it was clear, easy to follow and effective! In addition to this, she was always so understanding and gave me an unbelievable amount of support.

If you’re thinking about online training with Georgie, then I couldn’t recommend it enough - a great investment into your health!”

— Lucy Thomson


"It has really been a wonderful experience, being part of this group. I feel like I finally have everything I need to train form home in one single place. No need to follow 1000 Instagram accounts to be able to select my daily workouts.

I have to say that your style of training and your low profile attitude was really what made me sign up. The way you communicate is just right for me and I feel like my personality really connects with yours! It really has kept me going and it is going to be even more important now going into Winter when the weather is not helping our mood so much, plus the Covid restrictions"


“I am really grateful for this platform in the past month. It has not only educated me on exercise in general but also helped me to perform each movement using the correct form and body mechanics. I enjoyed the live workouts and the fact that I can catch up in my own time (because I'm not in the same timezone as the UK). I love the fact that there is a set schedule every week, which helps me to keep to my exercise routine throughout the week and that I don't need to go and think every day which workout I should do today (which can be very demotivating!).

Thank you so much for all the energy and motivation to exercise. I started following you at the start of Lockdown and really thought how on earth will I be able to make it through a whole workout, but as my strength and endurance increased (as well as through education and determination) I can now complete your workouts with a smile (and a lot of sweat!).

I can already see changes to my body and muscles and I've started to make exercise a priority and part of my daily routine. Thank you for all your positivity and I look forward to continuing the exercise journey with you!”


“I discovered Georgie in lockdown when she stepped in to take a live class for another Instagrammer. What a find! Her natural look, open and friendly teaching style, realistic and accessible exercises make me feel like I can achieve results and progress. I LOVED having Georgie in the room training me! The look and goals of other Instagram PT's so often feel unachievable. But not with Georgie. Which is why I jumped at the chance to sign up to SAALT and not immediately return to my local PureGym.

I am loving the SAALT experience. The schedule is varied, thoughtful, balanced, flexible (workout live or when you want) always sweaty (!) and challenging. Also, the trainers are funny and likeable, you kinda want to do post-workout coffee with them! I feel better, stronger, am improving my techniques (especially push-ups😰) and am finding that I can’t (& don’t) go more than 48 hours without a SAALT intake!

Thank you Georgie and her team!”


“I absolutely love being a SAALT member - it’s the perfect mix of strength, HIIT & mobility/yoga - always so much new content to join in with (or go back to at any point). The classes are really fun & also good and challenging - I love finishing a class knowing I’ve worked really hard.

I think the thing I value most is the expertise - the girls really know their stuff and while I feel like I know enough-ish to get on with things on my own, they really are experts in their fields and give so much advice and teaching on form, which I have learned is as important as the effort you put in. There’s also the accountability and motivation - it’s all so much harder on your own.

I think the membership represents outstanding value - I would so recommend anyone who is serious about getting results to make the monthly investment, it’s worth every penny.”


“I made a goal for myself that this was going to be the year I would stick with my actual goals. Then Covid hit. I tried to do my own home workouts that were not good, not long enough, and not structured.

I found Georgie while scrolling through Instagram and told myself to give her a month try. Well within that month I noticed I was getting stronger and I was looking forward to my workouts. I still look forward to my workouts everyday and am setting goals for myself that I know I will be able to achieve.

This community has really changed my outlook on fitness and my slightly introverted self. :)”


“I was lucky enough to have come across Georgie’s feed towards the beginning of lock down, so I have been working out with her for a few months now. Which happens to be the longest I have stayed committed to my workouts......ever!

In the past I would give it everything I had for a week and off for two weeks. Then when I got re-motivated I would go all in for two weeks and then nothing for six weeks. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

Georgie and Em are so genuine and real that I find myself looking forward to logging in with them each day, and this is HUGE for me!!! I don't feel I'm just attending another class just to burn calories so we can feel better about what we ate or what we will eat, I feel that I'm part of a different kind of workout and that our time together is for so much more than that!”


“I love this membership, it's different to anything else.

Not only are there great classes that I can do at home whenever I like, I also have all the information I need to track what I eat and make the most of my progress. The classes are excellent and easy to follow, the instructors are all great.

The weekly Q&A with Georgie makes this feel more like a 1-2-1 membership, you can ask anything and get honest answers.

Signing up to this was the best decision I've made in a while!”


“This year has thrown us many challenges, forcing us to learn and adapt to completely new ways of working and living. Joining the SAALT community has been a complete blessing for both my mind and my body during this time. It provides me with structure to my day - motivating me to get out of bed in the morning and to switch off my laptop and get moving in the evening.

Georgie and Emily are extremely knowledgeable coaches and always provide adaptations for varying levels of difficulty. The weekly Q&A provides you with an opportunity to ask all sorts of curious questions. It has been really interesting to see what other people are asking (often the same things I am thinking!), and to hear some of the science behind nutrition and how our bodies function.

I really enjoy the variety of classes the SAALT membership offers, and have taken a particular liking to the mobility sessions - something which I haven't really done before but have found so beneficial after sitting at my desk all day. I highly recommend to anyone thinking of signing up!”


I starting following Georgie and her workouts on Instagram during lockdown! I found they motivated and challenged me and keep me sane during this period.

Georgie is such a fab trainer and I’ve learnt so much from her and absolutely love her sessions. I was ecstatic when SAALT was released. Previous to lock down I used to go to the gym X5 times a week. I am still home training and have no intention of going back to the gym at present and this plan really works well with my family and work life.

SAALT has everything you need in a weekly training session. I feel I am still making progress and challenging myself doing these sessions and I look forward to them. I’ve tried other online training sessions in the past and they don’t challenge me like these sessions do.


“If you want an all-around fun, sustainable fitness programme that encourages ongoing engagement and motivates, then I highly recommend joining SAALT!

I’m loving the workouts that also include mobility and low impact workouts like Pilates and yoga, plus weekly form check videos.

Aside from the amazing Georgie Harris who inspired me to join because she helped me get fit during lockdown with her instagram workouts, the other trainers Emily and Nathalie are amazing!

I’m so excited to continue on this fitness journey with this amazing team and the SAALT-y workouts - thank you!


“Throughout Lockdown I scoured instagram and dipped in and out of workouts from various trainers. However, I stuck with Georgie because of her honest approach, well planned and enthusiastic workouts and most importantly the variety of exercises.

The membership hasn't just been thrown together on a Lockdown whim, it is a beautiful platform with a well planned schedule you can follow without being overwhelmed. The friendly approach is encouraging on those days you don't feel like popping on your trainers, supportive when you don't want to do another burpee (yes sorry there are still burpees) and confidence building when you have finished another sweaty finisher.

In terms of the workouts, the mix of weights, HIIT, mobility, pilates and yoga provide me with everything I need in a week; with the option to catch up when I want or redo a stretch session (very much needed after a good lifting workout). I have also learnt that I do not need to slog it out for hours in the gym anymore, I have never felt so good and I am looking forward to trying out the recipes once the next stage is launched.

The weekly focus videos help with technique and form and although I get the giggles every time I send my videos the feedback is constructive and helpful; these added extras are what makes this platform unique.I am thoroughly enjoying begin part of this team and look forward to whats to come.”


“I was lucky enough to discover Georgie, on Instagram, a couple of weeks into lockdown. Since then, she has been my “go to” for home workouts. The style, pace & content of her workouts was perfect for me. Therefore, it was a no-brainer for me to become a member.

The variety of workouts is great; strength, HIIT, Pilates, yoga...all bases are covered. Georgie and the team take the time to explain the moves in detail and form is always the main priority. This is echoed in “form check Friday” where they will give you feedback on a specific move, to help you improve or just give you the reassurance that you’re doing it right - a really useful element of the membership.

I love being a member, the workouts are enjoyable and effective, plus you know that Georgie & the team are there to support you. So a massive thank you!!!”